Bridal Session

You probably haven’t heard yet, but the wedding day is not the best occasion for a fabulous portrait or bridal session. We, as wedding photographers, are tasked with the intimate, stressful task of capturing the bride on her wedding day, a day packed with emotions and tons of of logistical details. You can have the best wedding photographer in the world, but you should understand that they have only seconds for everything, and there is no way to change or postpone the timeline.

I was able to convince a couple of my brides to do a bridal session, and they all were delighted. None of them ever complained; they realized that it was much more comfortable and overall better, just because there was no stress of the big day. 

I get it that you won’t fully understand that because it’s usually your first wedding. But the actual wedding day is full of tension and stress, although that stress is primarily a “positive” one. While doing this on another day, we have time. You won’t have your head full of tasks and lists of what to do next second. Your expression will be completely different, and your smile will be more relaxed.

We also won’t have to stress about the weather and light on the wedding day. We can choose the best time, best light, and location for that bridal shoot. There will be no interruption from wedding guests or the planner. And it relieves wedding day pressure

For example, the bridal session could also be arranged before the wedding for the day of your makeup trial. This way, we get to know your dress, your better angle, and your best smile, which also has a lot of advantages. Plus, we can display your bridal session pictures during your wedding day!

The bridal session on another day allows for more creativity and a great variety of imagesPhotos from the bridal session fit great into your wedding album. 

You will also be more relaxed during your wedding day, knowing that your portraits will be perfect anyhow. So, if you have a fabulous gown or you want to have timeless, beautiful portraits, you should consider a bridal session!

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